

If you die before meKnow that I will not cry in your funeralNot because it is considered un macho of a manBut because I have no remorse nor empathy of your demise I hate you, from the deepest part of my soulAnd I hope dementors suck your happiness to the very lastEvery minute I breathe…

Peeling back the onion

I knew my anxiety is still heightened when my young brother came into our room screaming of how he’s dying eyes almost watery. Only to realize he meant he was losing heavily to a Italian Serie b team in an exhibition match on my Dream League app. My heart almost skipped a beat and unusual…

Introspective Perspectives

Flustered, cornered and drained. Feelings that I seem not to evade. Sensitive situations that I find myself in and the lack of mental and psychological resources to handle them is making me feel very insecure, anxious and hesitant in making important decisions. But from the outside looking in, it is easily perceivable as rude, inconsiderate…

Fake Mad

Fix your own childhood traumas or your next relationship will expose them. This must be one of the most terrifying tweets I have read this week. Terrifying but true. With the unending drama, I have experienced then I must be the last person who wants to get into one. Funny I should say this considering…


Firstborn, the constant pressure to succeed. The wonderful feeling when your services are in need. Good thing you are filled with love like no other. But Cain why did you kill your brother? Firstborn, the guinea pig child. Your constant chase for perfection, wild. The principle of primogeniture falls in your favour. And that is…

Thoughts in the Night

I have never considered myself as a morning person. Sunrise, from my perspective, seems like a bewitching time. Bright but cold, busy but somber. This could have been brought about by the duration I have lived in the city which is practically all my life so far. Night time is more of my style, like…

More sighs (sighs)

I have finally managed to get to my keyboard. The last time I was here, a lot was different. Finding words to express how I feel has been hard lately. Time feels like a feather violently whisked by dusty hot West African Harmattan winds. This African themed phrase must be coming from the Chibok Girls,…

The Nothingness of Nothing

You’ve come into the world with nothing and the purpose of your life is to make something out of nothing. Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you’re finished. There’s nothing funny about happy people. I don’t know, you just look at a situation or a life, and you kind of…


I have never liked Decembers. It is a sad and confusing time for me. Maybe it’s because I came to this world in the first week of January. So, I find this month as a self-analysis period and because I am a healthy pessimist, I find myself calling myself out on my mishaps. I have…

My White Whale,

She is new here and not like the other girls. She has this look, this indescribable look. Like a rose in a cauldron of thorns, she stands out. There’s something about her gaze, something about the way she walks, her quiet giggle and her notorious persona. Her skin is light so she knows no makeup.…


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